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Office of a web design company

Moodul 1

Koolitusel kasutatavad lingid

  1. Tutvumissein Padletis

  2.  Märkmikud: GoogleKeep, Simplenote

  3. WriteURL:

    1. Grupp

    2. Grupp

    3. Grupp

  4. Esitlus Zeetings, esitlus pdf

  5. MindMeister

    1. Grupp

    2. Grupp

  6. Vialogues

  7. PollEv küsitlus

  8. Suhtluskanal Fleep​​Grupp - Tallinn 01.10 liitu Fleepiga

  9. Canva

  10. Digivahendite lingikogu

  11. Uurime ja puurime digivahendeid ise! Töölehed:

    1. Grupp​

    2. Grupp

    3. Grupp

  12. Polleverywhere ja Mentimeter

  13. Typeform

Open Book


  1.  Li, Y. W. (2016). Transforming conventional teaching classroom to learner-centred teaching classroom using multimedia-mediated learning module. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 6(2), 105.

  2. Kalantzis, M., & Cope, B. (2015). Learning and New Media. In D. Scott, & E. Hargreaves, The SAGE Handbook of Learning.

  3. Pata, K. (2009). Modeling spaces for self- directed learning at university courses. Educational Technology & Society, 23-43.

  4. Peterson, C. (2003). Bringing ADDIE to life: Instructional design at its best. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12(3), 227-241.

  5. Sahin, M. (2009). Instructional design principles for 21st century learning skills. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 1464-1468.

  6. Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning

  7. Villems, A., Koitla, E., Kusnets, K., Pilt, L., Kusmin, M., Dremljuga-Telk, M., Plank, T. (2012). Juhend kvaliteetse e-kursuse loomiseks. Tallinn: e-Õppe Arenduskeskus.


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